Senate Chairman, British envoy discuss bilateral relations

British High Commissioner Jane Marriott called on Chairman Senate Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani in Islamabad on Tuesday.

The discussions covered wide range of issues of mutual interest, including bilateral relations, trade, investment, and parliamentary c…

British High Commissioner Jane Marriott called on Chairman Senate Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani in Islamabad on Tuesday. The discussions covered wide range of issues of mutual interest, including bilateral relations, trade, investment, and parliamentary cooperation. The British High Commissioner congratulated Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani on his election as Chairman Senate and extended her best wishes for his tenure. Welcoming the British High Commissioner, the Chairman Senate emphasized the longstanding cordial relations between Pakistan and the United Kingdom. He further expressed gratitude for Britain's support during challenging times and its various welfare initiatives. Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani highlighted the importance of increasing partnership between the two countries in the fields of health, education, and technology. Highlighting the significance of parliamentary cooperation, the Chairman Senate observed that collaboration at international fora reflects that both countries attach high importance to thei r mutual relations. The Chairman Senate emphasized the significance of people to people contacts and called for augmenting ties in educational and cultural exchanges. He also underscored the need for enhanced exchanges at parliamentary level. The British High Commissioner acknowledged the significant role of the Pakistani diaspora in England in cementing relations between the two countries. Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani extended his good wishes to the High Commissioner and expressed admiration for her appreciation of Pakistan's hospitality and socio-cultural diversity. Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan prioritizes mainstream education for Out-of-School children: Masood

The students from Hyde-Addison Elementary School Georgetown, Washington D.C. visited the Embassy of Pakistan as part of the Embassy Adoption Program, a D.C. initiative fostering cultural exchange between schools, diplomatic missions, and internationa…

The students from Hyde-Addison Elementary School Georgetown, Washington D.C. visited the Embassy of Pakistan as part of the Embassy Adoption Program, a D.C. initiative fostering cultural exchange between schools, diplomatic missions, and international organizations. During the visit, the students showcased their knowledge of Pakistan through engaging presentations, highlighting the country's geography, vibrant culture, delicious fruits, and rich sporting traditions. A nearly 50-year partnership between Washington Performing Arts and D.C. Public Schools, the Embassy Adoption Program (EAP) annually connects thousands of fifth- and sixth-grade students in schools in all D.C. wards with more than 50 embassies and other diplomatic entities including consular offices, government offices, representative offices, and others. The Embassy of Pakistan in Washington D.C. hosted a heartwarming visit of 50 brilliant 5th graders from Hyde-Addison Elementary School, led by School Supervisor Marie Connolly. In his engag ing interaction with the young students, Ambassador Masood Khan emphasized the importance of critical thinking and setting long-term goals. He also commended their insightful presentations and underscored the value of education in both Pakistan and the United States. Masood Khan said Pakistan is investing heavily in the education sector and the government's top priority is to bring Out-of-School children into mainstream education. In her remarks, School Supervisor Marie Connolly thanked Ambassador Masood Khan for providing them with this opportunity to know Pakistan, its people, and its culture. This year's Embassy Adoption Program was also unique and special as the first time, a school from Pakistan also participated in this program. The students from Roots Millennium School Islamabad Campus, one of the renowned school chains in Pakistan, held valuable interactions with their counterparts at Hyde-Addison Elementary School here in Washington D.C. Special messages from the CEO of The Millennium Education Mr. Faisal Mushtaq and the Director of Programs Ms. Sabina Zakir were played during the ceremony conveying their heartfelt gratitude to Ambassador Masood Khan for this initiative of connecting young students from both countries. Championing the power of people-to-people connections in fostering understanding, Ambassador Masood Khan encouraged students to make the best use of modern communication technology to connect virtually with people across the continents. The Embassy of Pakistan, Washington D.C. partnered with Hyde-Addison Elementary School in Georgetown, Washington D.C. where students were introduced to Pakistan's history, geography, landscape, people, food, Art, music, and sports by Press and Cultural Attaché, Zaigham Abbas. The visit culminated in a special invitation by Ambassador Masood Khan for the students and faculty to attend the mango festival at the Embassy of Pakistan as honored guests underscoring the importance of people-centered diplomacy and the strong bond between the Embassy and Hyd e-Addison Elementary School, fostering a spirit of friendship and cultural appreciation for generations to come. Source: Radio Pakistan

Deputy PM advocates two-state solution to Palestine conflict

Pakistan has proposed to prepare a comprehensive plan for the reconstruction of Gaza and expressed its readiness to be partner in the reconstruction of the educational institutions in Gaza.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar forwar…

Pakistan has proposed to prepare a comprehensive plan for the reconstruction of Gaza and expressed its readiness to be partner in the reconstruction of the educational institutions in Gaza. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar forwarded this proposal, while addressing the High-Level Conference on Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza in Jordan today. He said we must work to implement the two state solutions which has been endorsed by the Security Council resolution. He said we strongly oppose any demographic or territorial change in Gaza. The Minister said it is time to secure the immediate admission of the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations, which will ensure the irreversibility of the two-State solution, the only option for durable peace and security in the Holy Land. Ishaq Dar said we must help them to live in freedom as a free, independent and sovereign people, with a State within the pre-1967 borders and a liberated Al-Quds Sharif as its capital. He added that as a non-permanent member of UN Security Council, Pakistan will seek to advance peace, prosperity and development in the world, particularly resolution of the long standing conflicts, especially the Palestinian issue. The Minister highlighted that Israel's ongoing 8-month genocidal military aggression in Gaza has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians, injured over 84,500 with a disproportionate number being women and children, and displacing the entire 2.3 million population of Gaza. He said Israel has acted with complete impunity and utter disregard for international law, the UN Charter and the collective will of the international community. Starvation has been employed as a tool of warfare. Humanitarian supplies and life-saving assistance have been impeded. Civilian infrastructure, homes, schools, hospitals, aid convoys, and humanitarian shelters have been willfully targeted and destroyed. Ishaq Dar said Pakistan strongly and unequivocally condemns Israeli atrocities. The government and the people of Pakis tan stand in complete solidarity with their Palestinian brothers and sisters in these testing times. We have dispatched over eight planeloads carrying over 2000 tons of humanitarian assistance for our brethren trapped in Gaza since last October, and will continue to send these relief goods and assistance. The Foreign Minister further said we should step up the provision of humanitarian assistance to beleaguered Palestinians in Gaza and meet their needs for food, medicines, energy and other essential supplies. He said we must call for an embargo on all military supplies and sales to Israel and ensure the immediate withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Gaza. Ishaq Dar said we should also consider the deployment of an impartial international force for the protection of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Source: Radio Pakistan

FC North organizes visit to Girls Cadet College Mardan for students of Bajaur

Frontier Corps North organized a visit to Girls Cadet College Mardan for the students of Bajaur district.

The purpose of the visit was to introduce the students of tribal areas about cadet colleges and the importance of girls’ education.

On this o…

Frontier Corps North organized a visit to Girls Cadet College Mardan for the students of Bajaur district. The purpose of the visit was to introduce the students of tribal areas about cadet colleges and the importance of girls' education. On this occasion, a detailed briefing was given to the students about the Cadet College. The students visited the facilities in the Cadet College and spent time with the girl cadets in the classrooms. Source: Radio Pakistan

Eid-ul-Azha: Punjab bans burning of animal heads, trotters at public places

Punjab government has imposed Section 144 to prohibit burning of animal heads and trotters at public places during Eid-ul-Azha across the province.

According to a spokesperson of provincial Home Department, it is also forbidden to dispose of the off…

Punjab government has imposed Section 144 to prohibit burning of animal heads and trotters at public places during Eid-ul-Azha across the province. According to a spokesperson of provincial Home Department, it is also forbidden to dispose of the offals of sacrificial animals in manholes, drainage systems, or canals. Additionally, banned organizations are not permitted to collect sacrificial animal hides. Punjab Home Department has established a control room to monitor compliance of the process. Source: Radio Pakistan

Sindh Govt prohibits forceful collection of sacrificial animals’ hides

Sindh government has banned the forceful collection of hides of sacrificial animals during Eid-ul-Azha.

According to a notification issued by the home department in Karachi, the hides could only be collected with permission of the commissioner and …

Sindh government has banned the forceful collection of hides of sacrificial animals during Eid-ul-Azha. According to a notification issued by the home department in Karachi, the hides could only be collected with permission of the commissioner and the deputy commissioner concerned. A ban has also been imposed on setting up camps to collect the hides and the use of banners for such purposes. Only registered charitable organizations, Madaris and philanthropic organizations are permitted to collect hides of sacrificial animals. Source: Radio Pakistan

PM approves three holidays for Eid-ul-Azha

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has approved three holidays for Eid-ul-Azha from Monday to Wednesday.

A notification to this respect was issued by the Cabinet Division today.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has approved three holidays for Eid-ul-Azha from Monday to Wednesday. A notification to this respect was issued by the Cabinet Division today. Source: Radio Pakistan

Punjab CM pledges equal access to services for all

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif expressed commitment of ensuring equal access to services for every citizen.

She stated this during a meeting with Provincial Ombudsman Major (R) Sulaiman Khan in Lahore.

During the meeting, matters related…

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif expressed commitment of ensuring equal access to services for every citizen. She stated this during a meeting with Provincial Ombudsman Major (R) Sulaiman Khan in Lahore. During the meeting, matters related to administration, good governance, public grievances and redressal mechanisms related to government departments were discussed. The Provincial Ombudsman presented the annual report to Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif and also informed about the steps taken to resolve public complaints and disputes. Source: Radio Pakistan