High-level Chinese delegation to soon visit Pakistan: PM

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said a high-level Chinese delegation will soon visit Pakistan to further expand Pakistan-China relations.

Chairing a cabinet meeting in Islamabad today, the Prime Minister said positive discussion was held during hi…

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said a high-level Chinese delegation will soon visit Pakistan to further expand Pakistan-China relations. Chairing a cabinet meeting in Islamabad today, the Prime Minister said positive discussion was held during his visit to China on the second phase of CPEC. The Prime Minister said more than one thousand B2B meetings were held between Pakistani and Chinese businessmen and investors at Pakistan-China Business Forum in Shenzhen. Shehbaz Sharif said Pakistan will send one thousand youth to China for professional training in the agriculture sector in order to take full advantage of the innovation and development in China's agricultural sector. He said the famous Chinese company Huawei will provide technical and professional training to two hundred thousand Pakistani youth in various fields of information technology every year. The Cabinet approved the appointment of members from the private and academic sectors in the Board of Governors of the National School for Public P olicy. The cabinet gave in-principle approval to the Digital Nation Pakistan Act 2024 on the recommendation of the Ministry of Information Technology and directed the Ministry of Law and Justice to review it. Under the Act, National Digital Commission (NDC) and Pakistan Digital Authority (PDA) will be constituted. Through this, the goal of digitization of Pakistan's economy and paperless governance will be achieved. Under the bill, the National Digital Commission will be a policy-making body that will consist of federal and provincial members and will be headed by the Prime Minister himself. Source: Radio Pakistan

11 terrorists killed in Lakki Marwat IBO

Eleven terrorists were killed during an intelligence based operation in Lakki Marwat district.

According to the ISPR, multiple terrorist hideouts were also busted.

The intelligence based operation was in response to the recent Improvised Explosive …

Eleven terrorists were killed during an intelligence based operation in Lakki Marwat district. According to the ISPR, multiple terrorist hideouts were also busted. The intelligence based operation was in response to the recent Improvised Explosive Device explosion that claimed the lives of seven brave soldiers including Captain Muhammad Faraz Ilyas and Subedar Major Muhammad Nazir. Sanitization operation is being carried out to eliminate any other terrorist in the area. In its statement, the ISPR reaffirmed the determination to wipe out the menace of terrorism from the country. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has lauded the security forces for killing eleven militants during an effective action against terrorists in Lakki Marwat district. In a statement today, he said the valiant members of Pakistan's security forces conducted a successful operation against terrorists by putting their lives at stake. The Prime Minister said security forces have always been proved as an iron wall in the war against terr orism. He said the entire nation is standing with the security forces in war against terrorism. Shehbaz Sharif also presented tribute to martyrs and veterans of the Pakistan Army. He said we are committed for complete elimination of terrorism. Source: Radio Pakistan

PR announces 25% reduction in fares on Eid-ul-Azha

Pakistan Railways has announced twenty-five percent reduction in the fares as a special package for the commuters on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha.

According to the Pakistan Railways, this discount will be available on all types of trains and classes….

Pakistan Railways has announced twenty-five percent reduction in the fares as a special package for the commuters on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha. According to the Pakistan Railways, this discount will be available on all types of trains and classes. However, the discount will not be applicable on Eid Special trains. Source: Radio Pakistan

FC Balochistan makes library functional in Kharan

FC Balochistan (South) has made a library functional for locals in Kharan area of the province.

The restoration work of the library included repair and maintenance of the building, its renovation, and provision of necessary furniture and books on di…

FC Balochistan (South) has made a library functional for locals in Kharan area of the province. The restoration work of the library included repair and maintenance of the building, its renovation, and provision of necessary furniture and books on different subjects. Currently, around fourteen hundred books are available in library. FC Balochistan (South) highlighted the importance of the library for students and locals and also encouraged them to get maximum utilization from the project. Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan, UK to broaden partnership in diverse areas

Pakistan and United Kingdom have agreed to continue working towards further deepening and broadening their partnership in all areas of mutual interest.

The understanding to this effect reached during a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister and Forei…

Pakistan and United Kingdom have agreed to continue working towards further deepening and broadening their partnership in all areas of mutual interest. The understanding to this effect reached during a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar with Minister of State of the UK for Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, United Nations and the Commonwealth, Lord Tariq Ahmad in Amman, Jordan today. During the meeting, the two sides expressed satisfaction over the positive trajectory of bilateral relations between Pakistan and the UK. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister highlighted the rising trend of Islamophobia worldwide and underscored the importance of promoting inter-faith dialogue and combating defamation of religions. He also emphasized the formalization, expansion and upgradation of the bilateral relationship in the form of Enhanced Strategic Partnership. The two countries agreed to move forward on the migration track under the UK-Pakistan Retur ns and Readmissions Agreement. Regional developments of mutual interest including stability in Afghanistan, South Asia and the Middle East were also discussed. Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24 to be unveiled today

The Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24 report will be launched today.

Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb will launch it during a ceremony at Pak Secretariat in Islamabad this evening.

The pre-budget document will provide details ab…

The Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24 report will be launched today. Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb will launch it during a ceremony at Pak Secretariat in Islamabad this evening. The pre-budget document will provide details about the major socio-economic developments, performance and trends of various sectors of the economy during the outgoing fiscal year 2023-24. Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan believes in peace: Information Minister

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar says Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state and believes in peace not war.

He was addressing launching ceremony of a report on National Security and Foreign Policy in Islamabad today.

The M…

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar says Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state and believes in peace not war. He was addressing launching ceremony of a report on National Security and Foreign Policy in Islamabad today. The Minister said Pakistan wants to improve its ties with neighbouring countries. On economy, Attaullah Tarar said ensuring economic security is one of the government's topmost priorities. He said 68 percent of Pakistan's population comprises youth and we are focused on their technical training and skill development. He said trade not aid is our slogan. The Minister said Pakistan is a huge market for information technology and our IT exports are increasing. He said two Safe City projects have been launched by Chinese tech company Huawei in Pakistan. Source: Radio Pakistan

Deputy PM calls for immediate, unconditional ceasefire in Gaza

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Mohammad Ishaq Dar has called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza.

He made the call during his meeting with the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres in Jordan, on the sidelin…

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Mohammad Ishaq Dar has called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza. He made the call during his meeting with the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres in Jordan, on the sidelines of the high-level conference on prevailing situation in Gaza. The Foreign Minister also called for unimpeded humanitarian assistance to the besieged people of Gaza, return of the displaced Palestinians, and ensuring accountability for the war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by Israel. He reiterated Pakistan's strong and unequivocal condemnation of the indiscriminate and brutal use of force by Israel against the Palestinians. During the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister lauded the UN Secretary General's initiative to jointly hold the conference along with Jordan and Egypt at a time when the people of Palestine are in dire need of international support and urgent humanitarian assistance. He also commended the leadership and proactive role of the Secretary-General in raising concern at the situation in Gaza on the international stage. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister also urged the UN Secretary-General to use his good offices for the just resolution of the outstanding Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. Source: Radio Pakistan