Various countries condemn terrorist attacks in Pakistan

Various countries of the world have strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in Mastung and Hangu and expressed solidarity with Pakistan.

In separate statements by the respective ministries, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkiye, Iran, Iraq and France conveyed their sympathies and condolences to the bereaved families.

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in its statement, reaffirmed the Kingdom’s firm position calling for rejection of violence and terrorism wherever it occurs.

Iranian President Syed Ebrahim Raisi in his message said this blind act has once again shown that the terrorists, with their ignorance and distance from the merciful teachings of Islam, have no other goal than to create division among Muslims.

He urged international community, especially the Islamic countries, to seriously react to this criminal act and prevent the repetition of such tragic events.

Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement expressed solidarity with Pakistan in the face of all attempts by extremist and terrorist groups to tamper with its security and stability.

Turkiye’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its statement said Ankara would continue to support Pakistan with determination in its fight against terrorism.

The government of France in a statement condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks perpetrated during religious processions in Pakistan.

The UAE while strongly condemning these criminal acts, reiterated its rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism aimed at undermining security and stability in contravention of human values and principles.

Algeria also condemned the terrorist attacks and expressed its support for the measures taken by Pakistan to stop such criminal acts and ensure its security and stability.

Source: Radio Pakistan