Apex committee expresses resolve to intensify counter-terrorism efforts in Balochistan

Apex Committee of the National Action Plan chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in Quetta expressed the resolve to intensify counter-terrorism efforts in Balochistan, leveraging multi-domain resources to eradicate terrorism.

The committee decided to further solidify intelligence sharing and coordination among Security Forces and law enforcement agencies.

The forum also agreed to enhance the capacity of the Counter-Terrorism Department, Police, Levies, and associated departments.

The Committee vowed to bring the planners, instigators, facilitators, and perpetrators of the cowardly attacks to justice, ensuring the protection of citizens’ lives and properties at all costs.

Addressing the meeting, the prime minister commended the sacrifices and contributions of the people of Balochistan towards national progress and development.

He expressed resolve that enemies of Pakistan, bent on creating unrest in Balochistan, would be defeated with full force and national support.

Shehbaz Sharif said Khwarij who sh
ed the blood of innocent people would not be spared.

The prime minister said that the sacrifices of those who laid down their lives for the motherland and the innocent civilians would not go in vain.

He made it clear that dialogue could only be possible with those who respect the constitution of Pakistan and salute the national flag.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced that federal government has decided to depute all the police and civil officers of 48th Common Group in Balochistan without discrimination to ensure peace, stability, and development of the province.

He said the government will implement this policy immediately with the coordination of the Balochistan government.

At the end of the meeting, the prime minister also distributed cheques among the families of those who were martyred in the recent terrorist attacks in Balochistan.

Source: Radio Pakistan