Ozone layer protection crucial for human, environmental sustainability: Climate Expert

Expert on Climate Change and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, Muhammad Saleem Shaikh, has emphasized the importance of public awareness in protecting the ozone layer for both human and environmental sustainability.

In a statement regarding World Ozone Day 2024, he said on this day, the global community is once again reminded of the critical issue of ozone layer depletion. He said although, the ozone layer is showing signs of recovery, the persistent use of ozone-depleting chemicals and unsustainable practices continue to threaten the progress achieved over recent decades.

Muhammad Saleem Shaikh also quoted Romina Khurshid Alam, Coordinator to the Prime Minister for Climate Change, as urging the global community to maintain its focus on sustainable development and climate action.

This year’s World Ozone Day, is being celebrated under the theme “Montreal Protocol: Fixing the Ozone Layer, Healing the Earth,” marks the 37th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol. Th
is landmark global agreement aims to protect the ozone layer and combat climate change.

Source: Radio Pakistan