Protests against occupation authorities’ anti-people policies held in IIOJK

In Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, protest demonstrations were held in Jammu region today against anti-people policies of the Modi regime.

According to Kashmir Media Service, people assembled at Gandhi Nagar in Jammu city and protested against the installation of smart meters with ulterior motive of fleecing the already overburdened Kashmiri people.

The protesters chanted anti-India slogans for ignoring the aspirations of the local people and further alienating them.

A report released by Kashmir Media Service, today, deplored that over four thousand Kashmiris, including APHC leaders, human rights activists, journalists, youth, students and ulema continue to face illegal detention in jails of India and occupied Jammu and Kashmir without trial.

Most of these detainees including women have been slapped with draconian laws, Public Safety Act and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and have been kept in complete isolation in jails.

Meanwhile, India’s dreaded National Investigation Agency court has issued a proclamation notice against a pro-freedom activist, Aaqib Ahmad Shergojri, in Budgam.

The employees of revenue department staged a protest demonstration in Ramban district against police’s assaulting of revenue officials.

The revenue officials were assaulted and confined to their office at Sanasar by a police team over the removal of some tents on a piece of land previously occupied by the police.

Source: Radio Pakistan